Did you know that I get uncontrollably angry whenever I see trees? It's like we're on an on-off relationship and can't stop fighting each other.
OK, not really. I'm weird. Nature's pretty cool. Especially when it was this beautiful outside. The thermometer has been sneaking its way back to the high 70s. I definitely know I'm going to be missing my cooler-weather tights during the sweltering 80 degree summer days. It was definitely getting to be a little uncomfortable wearing them in the late afternoon when the sun decided to go "WHAT'S UP."

I hugged, I kicked, I conquered. TAKE THAT, TREE.

I seem to have lost my way in the woods. The really, really sparse woods.

Alohamora! Lumos! Expelliarmus! Dammit, it's must be broken. Ollivander, you'll see ME in court for selling me a faulty wand.
Tank- Juniper : Blouse- Gap : Shorts- secondhand : Tights- We Love Colors : Shoes- Gentle Souls via TJMaxx : Necklace- Von's thrifted
Tank- Juniper : Blouse- Gap : Shorts- secondhand : Tights- We Love Colors : Shoes- Gentle Souls via TJMaxx : Necklace- Von's thrifted
What's Lovely for April 29, 2010: I finally, finally, FINALLY got a picture with the Red Power Ranger that roams my campus. Best thing is, we matched! No wait, the best thing may be that I got to steal a hug. ;)

As I described this picture before, I can tell my children (or other random children) in the future that I hugged the Red Power Ranger. And then they'll probably have no idea who I'm talking about, those goldarn young whippersnappers.
I'm nervous about tomorrow. Summer is too tantalizingly near right when finals stand in my way.
EDIT: I'm going to retroactively count this as my AAW! Aunt Lily part II, since it was partly based on this outfit of hers. This totally doesn't count me being lazy.