Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Alive Again! Darling Aunt Vivian (part I)

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I just remembered that I totally meant to do a side-by-side deal every time I did this series-- woops.

Though there's no grade for this project (unless you give me some feedback-- what say thee, yea or nay?), I try to plan out specific outfits according to each character. But Charmalade, don't you have a life and other important stuffs to attend to? Shut up, tiny voice in italics, you need to stop being a buzzkill. Anyway. In the middle of the day, I realized that channeling Aunt Vivian's style was basically like channeling my own. Hell, we even have similar hair styles.

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Aunt Vivian to the left (no... your left) and Aunt Lily to the right. Both beloved mother figures to Chuck and kooky witches to everyone else.

I originally thought about featuring both aunts in one week (after all, both of them share a penchant for fine cheeses and silks), but it's less hectic and more fun this way. After all, they're sisters, not twins. I noticed that Aunt Vivian has a particular fondness for Asian-inspired outfits. And seeing as how I'm, y'know, the real deal, I thought that happy fortune in genetics helped significantly to this part of the series.

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It's hard to see the actual outfit here, but isn't the window all pretty-like?
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Seeing the aunts' wardrobe makes me want gaudy things like more leopard print, feathers and Asian silk.
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Seeing as how I didn't have any spare hanbok or kimonos lying around, I made do with this top that I always thought resembled the Chinese-style shirt. Consensus?

Top- Pierre Cardin secondhand : Skirt- secondhand : Belt- secondhand : Tights- mystery? : Cardigan- Gap : Shoes- Old Navy

Today's outfit pictures were taken indoors, which reminded me of how I've always wanted to visit or live in the aunts' house at Coeur de Coeurs. It's just like their style-- old-fashioned, colorful and more than a little eccentric. It has that organized clutter that seems to hold a lot of secrets that's exciting to uncover.

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What's Lovely for April 21, 2010: Being told that I look younger than I actually am. Well, that's not exactly lovely, but I figure it'll come in handy when I get older. I wonder-- do I really look that young? I hope that doesn't mean I'm juvenile (as one friend put it, hurr hurr).


Jess said...

Oh I miss this show SO much and I totally see Aunt Vivian in you ;) Pushing Daisies made me want to sit and eat pie every time I saw it hehe

Samantha said...

Love your pose in the first photo! :D

Emily Kennedy said...

This is the first in the series that really looks like your style. And not because it's Asian! Because of the color palette, streamlined shape, and short skirt. Very Charmalade. Aunt Viv for the win!

Brandi said...

I love these photographs and your outfit -- it's perfectly inspired. One day, could you please photograph your collection of tights, because I'm curious to see them all together.

Sorry I've been MIA lately. This quarter of classes has been overwhelming and it's turned me into a bad blogger.

Draft of Vintage said...

Well done! VERY Aunt Vivian- love the mix of patterns and especially the belt with that top. I know I've said this before, but this is a killer inspiration series... such a good idea! Oh and I meant to ask if you had ever seen the Fall, featuring Lee Pace (the piemaker) It's a breathtaking movie and one of my favorites, with INCREDIBLE costumes.

Krissy (Shimmer Like Gold) said...

This makes my entire day!! I love Pushing Daisies so much (I refuse to use the past tense!), and you rocking out Vivian's wardrobe is just plain awesome. You nailed it. :D

Erin {Plus Sized Pretty} said...

I love your Pushing Daisies outfits! It's one of my favorite shows.
This is so Aunt Vivian.

Anna said...

Ahaha those two are a strange and funny duo :P
Great look!

Marta said...

great inspiration! you look so adorable!

Elaine said...

I think you nailed this outfit with Aunt vivian!

Enter to win a vintage button-down shirt!
clothed much, a modest fashion blog

Anonymous said...

I have no frame of reference for any of the images but the ones your in and they are great!

Emma Fick said...

This project of yours is TOO COOL. Creativity combined with follow-through--you'll go far! This is my favorite; I like that even your face channels her!

Mila said...

Great photos,love it <3

Anonymous said...

very cool outfit & lovely photos. i don't know the show but you look like you should be in it, x

indigotangerine said...

I saw the first picture and was like: WHOA, it actually really looks like aunt vivian. THough really the best thing about aunt vivian his her high, wavery voice.

Passport Smiles said...

I love this post and your witty comments! All characters on Pushing Daisies are inspiring to me for fashion...or just any inspiration. Such a lovely show; what a bummer it went off the air.

Niki said...

People never believe me when I tell them my age. I still get on buses for kiddy fares sometimes! Embrace it!

You're looking fabulous as ever...

Marie McGrath (The Joy of Fashion) said...

I love all the pattern mixing in your outfit! so cute!