Monday, April 19, 2010

Alive Again! Double the Cod (parts I & II)

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Sorry for the questionable quality of these photos-- I have no idea why they came out so shabbily. But then, I was in a hurry while these were being taken. Which would also explain my terrible face, wrinkled jacket, etc. Oh, the flaws...

These photos were taken from last week, otherwise known fondly as The Week of Eternal Burning Work Oh God. However, this a double-edition of the Alive Again! wardrobe project, which I wanted to group together in one post. Last week was dedicated to none other than that lovable money-grubbing detective, Emerson Cod.

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Always suave...
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OK, maybe not always.
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My best "oh HELL no" face.

Blouse- secondhand : Blazer- United Colors of Benetton : Slacks- secondhand : Shoes- Gentle Souls via TJMaxx

Here's the second part of the series. Unfortunately, I didn't wear my leather jacket as planned (in accordance to Emerson's style), since it was well into the 80s that day. So I turned Cod's couture on its head and made it summer-appropriate.

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It was a miracle in itself that I had these photos taken at all-- Thursday was my busiest day by far!

Blouse- TJMaxx : Shorts- The Limited : Flats- Gap
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I think this blouse had the same kind of fun pattern always seen on Emerson; the pinstripes of his jacket were emulated in the pinstripes on my shorts.
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Awkward posing for the win?
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Nope, never mind, Emerson takes the cake again. Gosh. [screencaps taken by me]

What's Lovely for April 19, 2010
: Inhaling a burrito for dinner when you've really been craving for one. Yum.

Are there any guilty foods that you've been really hankering to have lately?


Jennifer Fabulous said...

Cute outfits! I especially love your shirt in the second outfit. So chic. :)

Samantha said...

Love the second outfit :)

Juliette said...

So cute! Love the blazer in the first outfit.

-Juliette WhereForArtThouRomeo


Elaine said...

You look great!!! You look professional and chic in the first and cool and casual in the second :D

Enter to win a vintage button-down shirt!
clothed much, a modest fashion blog

Emily Kennedy said...

Some kind of savory Asian noodles. Not sure what kind, and not sure how I'll find them. But that's what I have been craving.

Tiny Quirks said...

haha, i love that you're channeling emerson cod! don't forget your knitting needles!

Ali Hval said...

Wahhh, an award! When my computer decides to live again I'll put it up. :D And actually I have no idea why I picked a flute, just cause it was silver and everything else was yellowy and orange har har har. Your shorts are cuteeeeee yayayaa. <3

Emma Fick said...

It's so nifty that you're channeling his style! You look miles long in the first outfit. Love that short blazer and the length of the pants. AND I LOVE BURRITOS. Seriously. I have been in a bad mood lately, and when I get in a bad mood I eat bad food (rhyme?). So today I ate some greasy pizza and Lucky Charms. Yum (?).

Anna said...

Everytime I come to your blog you make me miss this show more and more! :)
Ahaha Emerson Cod is too funny.

MichelleF said...