OMG. I'm back. It's like I'm Nathan Young and I was buried alive but turns out in a major plot twist that I'm back from the dead because I'm immortal and...
I may have been watching a lot of Misfits lately. This (warning: slightly NSFW) has been my winter break so far. I didn't say I was proud. But it has been a wonderfully and terrifyingly lazy hiatus, and I'm overdue on a lot of things. Remember the FAQ back in October? I hope with profuse amounts of apologies and kowtowing, I can come back to my blog and finallyfinallyfinally answer these questions once and for all in this post.
*hug* I missed you. Please forgive me, I have digital chocolate chip cookies.
What inspired you to start your blog?
Essentially, I bullied myself into doing this thingamajig after a good amount of stalking following and reading many daily fashion blogs. The beautiful thing about blogging is that fairly anyone's capable of it-- it was just a matter of mixed delusion and confidence when I went "hey, I think I can do that!" And thus it began.
What has changed about your blog/your style since you started?
I can say all this stuff about learning the subtleties of what to do or what not to do in blogging and how I dared to mix prints more, but I'd like to show a visual.