Friday, April 8, 2011

Forgotten snowy weekend

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Look at your calendar. Now look at this blog post's date. Now back to the calendar. Now back to the blog post. Sadly, something doesn't seem right because 

a) there isn't this much snow and warm cozy feeling in April.
b) this is a poor adaptation of that one thing you all love.
c) answers a and b.
d) I'm on a horse.

Free hug to anyone who gets the right answer.

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These photos were actually taken back in February (makes more sense, right?) when I was having a bored afternoon one weekend and turned to the camera for mild solace and entertainment. I actually like how they turned out (considering that it wasn't planned), and in a way it makes me miss large, comfy winter knits.

So enjoy the backwards into time (and elbows, as seen above) as I go enjoy what will be a helluva weekend... which is going to be both good and terrible. Allow me to be a cliche record and bemoan, "why can't a weekend be much longer?" Amirite, people?

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Blouse- secondhand  ::  Vest- thrifted  ::  Skirt+Socks- Urban Outfitters 
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Oh, and the answer's C for Charmalade, Chihuahua and chutzpah. What's your favorite c-word? And no, not THAT c-word. Dirty minds, all of you.


Marie said...

I miss chunky knits already. But I am so seasonal fickle.

Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
31summers giveaway

Kirstin said...

I absolutely adore this outfit! It looks so cosy and perfect for February! I love that vest, I definitely need one like it for next winter!

Brandi said...

My favorite C-word might be cookie. Maybe. I reserve the right to change my mind, especially if given a slice of delicious cake.

I got caught in a freak hail storm last night. I've never seen ice southern CA. It was so strange. All I wanted was my knee high socks. Next winter, I'm going to try and be the type who wears more dresses and tights. Easier said then done though.

Kitsune-kun said...

heh way to twist the snow to your comedic advantage. I'm still too bitter about it here to even step outside.

Kaitlyn Ham said...

I love that you matched your lips to your lovely pleated skirt, and paired it all back with neutral and white. Totally inspired for my winter (in Australia, so going the opposite way to you guys!).

x K

Julia Topaz said...

I really love this color combination!

Unknown said...

very cute outfit. love the neutral color palette. <3