Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bye Bye Birdie

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Poor little buddy's got a bent wing. Let's pretend he's waving or something.
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Since tomorrow was going to be the last day that my school's undergrad art exhibition would be open, I dragged my mom in to see my work that was accepted into the gallery [cue cheesy and unnecessary aw's here]. Today was such a long day (like.... molasses on a cold day long... like student stuck in a basement for nearly six hours long) that I look worse for wear. So please excuse my ghastly face and focus on the cute little bird. I think I named him, but I forgot what. I'd like to think that his name is Figaro, though I totally have the wrong opera in mind (Figaro, Papageno.... same thing, right?). If anyone understands what the hell I'm talking about, you get major brownie points for being a cultured fuddy duddy. 

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These pictures were taken a few years ago when Little Birdie was just a fresh young chickadee.
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Lindsey Dixon said...

Oh, how cute and creative! I love it! I would be afraid of cutting my hands, though-how did you do it?

Lindsey Soup

Liza said...

This is so adorable. I love how it's made of mountain dew wrappers. I want one!! My day is dragging along slowly too.


laura said...

you are, like, soooo awesome! Is he papageno from the magic flute?

Virginia Ibarra said...

cool bird!!! its so awesome and cute!