How I ushered in 2011 ... and how I usher in almost everything else. With sheer class.
I just realized something. I've become one of those dreaded blogs that only update sporadically and then starts off every other post with a frenetic "omgosh I'm so sorry guys what can I do omg I was so bad and wrong and bad blogger bad blogger!" And not that it shouldn't be reprimanded (because, let's face it, most of us have done that at one point or another), but for me, I find it especially heinous that I've done this over the course of the shift to the new year (during winter vacation, no less!). While everyone else was donning sequins and sharing pictures of their respective New Year 2011, I was eating copious amounts of cheese and didn't even see the ball drop. I still had a good time, but it was probably not the most spectacular way to ring in the new 2011.
I've also noticed that most bloggers took the time to recap their 2010s and/or reflect upon their past in order to talk about the future. And I haven't done that either! Only a week into the new year and I'm already behind. Whew. OMGOSH, GUYS.
I actually still want to do a recap. A lot has happened to me and I've done a lot of things in 2010. Should I even bother? This isn't some school assignment (thank God), so I make my own deadlines. But what do you think? I'D LOVE TO KNOW YOUR OPINIONS. All 160 of you and beyond, I'd love to hear your voices, I've missed my blog and missed you so. I think my main problem in not even blogging quaint photos on my blog was the fact that I couldn't get pictures of myself before the sun set-- which would be much too early in the day. I can't wait when the sun and I can get well acquainted again.

I should submit this picture into a JCPenney ad, because I have a severe case of "shopping catalog face" here.
Also, about the noticeably nicer-looking pictures? Unfortunately, this won't be a permanent thing, as far as I can tell. A friend of mine quickly shot these pictures of me for a separate project of mine, and I thought "hey! why not mooch these for my personal blog?" Geez, I'm like the person who steals medical supplies from the doctor's office. These photos get me seriously considering getting a fancypants DSLR. My main obstacle is: how the crap can I use this thing? An aperture sounds like a body part to me. This problem clearly needs to be resolved.

Sweater- Charlotte Russe :: Kimono jacket- garage sale :: Scarf+Booties- via TJMaxx :: Skirt- secondhand :: Socks+Gloves- Urban Outfitters
Eep! Classes start tomorrow! Technically today! Aaap!
Loved the tone of this post, do whatever the hell you want. This was more entertaining than half the recap posts I read or even the one I wrote haha. Blog when and what you want.
Nice pose to usher in the new year
In all seriousness, love your boots! A nice combo of rocker and cowboy
Cute outfit! I totally understand the time constraints when it comes to blogging. One of my personal obstacles is taking blog-able pictures of my outfits. I think most readers just want to see more consistent posts so even if you don't think you have the best photos to share, post them anyway! It shows personality.
AH. This post is so awesome. I love when you post. GOSH I AM GOING TO REPRIMAND YOU SO YOU POST MORE. (Kidding. I wont actually. That would make me annoying. I'm not annoying, pshhhh.)
And I d00d, our New Years were so intensely fun. I was sick, forcing myself to stay up till midnight. As soon as the clock struck, it was bedtime for me. Needless to say, I'm a party animal.
YOu look so cute; love your layers!
LOLOL I agree, I'm the same kind of blogger. Who care about taking pictures during CHRISTMAS when you can be EATING. We both rock for these reasons, amen. And I like your JCPenny modelfayse, please don't ever change it!
Your color mixing and clothing mixing and fabulousness is way too coo.. I like it all. Those gloves are awesome, hands down.
welcome back. :) i think you should do a recap, i mean, why not?! awesome photos - i love your layering!
i'm holding a giveaway! a vintage purse. :) if you have minute stop by and check it out! ♥
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