Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Industrial Playground

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What's Lovely for October 6, 2010:  Being called a 5'7" badass when I'm in fact a 5'5" badass wannabe

Oh dear, I'm afraid that I'm pulling the figurative wool over your eyes again. Guess when these pictures were actually taken?  

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Go on, I double dog dare you to take a gander!
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Blouse- magic?  ::  Cardigan- fever via TJMaxx  ::  Skirt- secondhand  ::  Socks- Chinese Laundry  ::  Head scarf- gift  ::  Shoes- Old Navy

That's right-- last Friday! The day when I believed would be the last day I'd flash my pearly whites before springtime. And by pearly whites, I must mean my remarkably pale legs. 

In my defense, today was a hectic day. Whenever I tried to set up my camera to take surreptitious photos on the sly, there would always be people around. The first time I'm fairly sure this man apparated out of the blue, because I was taken completely by surprise. I stumbled and fumbled around for my camera, pretending to look at the two lousy pictures I took. I tried moving to another location, but even there I wasn't safe. Always with the people walking about. You'd think that this was a busy campus in the middle of the day or something.  

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In which I flash my lesser known, not-as-pearly whites.

Good thing I had these photos in reserve, right? Have your plans ever been thwarted by the fickle nature of time and gawldern people who invade your photo-shooting time??


Ali Hval said...

AHHH I hate it when people randomly apparate out of nowhere. D: I feel your pain, and I'm sorry. <3

BUT AT LEAST YOU LOOKED AWESOME LAST FRIDAY. Look at that awesome pattern on your shirt. And the pattern on your cute skirt. And your pearly white legs, those are nice, too!

Mel said...

Whoo mixing patterns! You are seriously the queen of mixing patterns :) That skirt is amazing, I love the scarf in your hair! Hahahaha it's okay, we can pretend you took these today :) And sadly I haven't ventured out to take outfit pictures BECAUSE of my fear of being seen by PEOPLE.

Kirstin said...

Haha, I always go places that are super secluded! I can't deal with people appearing while I am vainly posing! Hehe, oh the blogging life! You look great in these photos, love your head scarf:)

Samantha said...

I love this photoshoot :) also liking your hairband!

Ashley/ MILK TEETHS said...

queen of pattern mixing hands down



Just stumbled on your blog. TIS AWESOME. Your style is simply super snazzy and I would be extremely content if I had your blazer. Or headband. OR EVEN YOUR LIPSTICK.
