What's Lovely for September 2, 2010: Prescription pills (for my cough, my COUGH, it's totally legit, really, I swear) and figuratively dipping a toe into the figurative water
Oh how I missed you all. Reading your comments delighted my sick-as-a-dog days, and if you've noticed, I've been tentatively making my way back into the swing of blogging. Danke for the patience that I sorely don't deserve. It's nice to not cough every five seconds.
Now I'm only at every fifteen seconds.
Now I'm only at every fifteen seconds.
Aww I hope you feel better soon! Love the mix of patterns and colors, that scarf is lovely!
I love these photos! Also, the print on your top is pretty rad.
xo Robyn of Rhitbee-isms
i hope your cough gets better soon! if it helps, you really don't look ill in your photos, so hopefully that means you're on the up!
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