What's Lovely for September 3, 2010: Feeling good back in the saddle (unfortunatelythisisonlyfigurativebecauseIhaven'triddenahorseinmanyyearsbutthatsoundslikeitwouldbefunheywhenwasthelasttimeyourodeahorseliterallyorfiguratively?)

It's a bit surreal to be "back to blogging." I definitely feel rusty! Especially in this art of talking through words and typing it onto this little white box on the computer screen so that other people can read it. Don't deny it, sometimes you just don't have the inspiration to say much besides "look at me and my clothes! bye!" Today is sortakinda one of those days. I liked today's outfit (is it too vain to say that? like how certain outfits make you feel comfortable/good/etc.) because the weather was serenely sublime like a perfect spring day. Today's look was all about teal/earthy/textured, and in my mind, was "Cali cool." This is probably completely inaccurate to say, seeing as how the last time I went to California was when I couldn't read or write.
So like, a year ago.

Tee- Old Navy :: Vest- Charlotte Russe (buy one get one free! love sales) :: Shorts- gift from Thailand :: Tights- Target :: Keds- stolen from Mom
Just kidding, I know how to read and write good. And make that when I was one year old, not a year ago. Just clearing that up there.
Oh yeah, and I've been fairly obsessed with this song lately. And the movie. I WOULD SO LOVE TO SEE IT AGAIN. What do y'all think? Because it's truly "epicly epic." I also am really digging the movie version by Clash at Demonhead (click here to listen, because I'm not allowed to embed it for some reason or another).
SCOTT PILGRIM IS AMAZING. Seriously. I loved everything about it.
I love, love, love love love that tee. I want to go out and buy one just like it. Baha.
Lindsey Soup
love that blue! (and your blog title!!)
Hello....super cute outfit!!! I just found your blog, Im your newest follower!!
Stop by and say hello:)
Have a great day!
Awwwww I feel you on those days where you just wanna put HERE'S ME I LOOK AWESOME KBYE on the post. I've been wanting to do that. :DDD SO MUCH YEAH. <33 You look so great, miss chuuurmalade, and I love your little sweater vest deal and those rad tights!
&& that song? AMAZING.
&& yes, I still haven't replied to your e-mail since I had hurdur moment r and forget.
I love the shorts with the textured tights! I love your (mom's) laceless Keds too!
DARLING outfit! Love the tights, and the whole look, in fact.
yes, there are indeed days where i can't think of anything good to say or write...haha!
♥ vanilla ice cream ♥
I loved this photos!!!!
those tights are amazing!
Ahh love those tights! Haha I don't think I've ever ridden a horse before, or actually I'm really not sure. I may have ridden a pony at a fair...or that might have been a dream :P My memory's been failing me for the last 20 years. Oh I've been debating whether to see Scott Pilgrim or not! It really looks cool!
totally loving those patterend tights !
the weather is soooo hot for me to wear tights these days..
glistersandblisters dot com
i adore this outfit. the tights and the sweater and just everything about it!
and thank you for the lovely comment it made me smile
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