What's Lovely for Tuesday, August 10, 2010: The deep rich colors of a deliciously healthy snack
What's Lovely for Wednesday, August 11, 2010: Connecting with someone from the blogosphere in real life-- thanks for putting up with my ramblings and occasional stutters, Emily!
What's Lovely for today, August 12, 2010: Seeing the full capacity of how wonderful and talented and pretty-much-basically-amazing Joseph Gordon Levitt is in this video clip (note: the site is Chinese, so do not be shocked if you may or may not be able to read it)
What's Lovely for Wednesday, August 11, 2010: Connecting with someone from the blogosphere in real life-- thanks for putting up with my ramblings and occasional stutters, Emily!
What's Lovely for today, August 12, 2010: Seeing the full capacity of how wonderful and talented and pretty-much-basically-amazing Joseph Gordon Levitt is in this video clip (note: the site is Chinese, so do not be shocked if you may or may not be able to read it)

To be honest, there's not much to say today. I vegged all day today, which unfortuantely in my case, translated into one cranky Charmalade. At this point, I haven't packed a single item, and I should be in bed to prepare for my trip to New York tomorrow. The only things that are halfway soothing to me now are listening to "Alejandro" on repeat (what else is new with me?) and realizing that by this time tomorrow I'll be in that city that supposedly never sleeps. Almost there.

I know I've had my good share of Gaga worship on this site, but I hope this doesn't startle the kiddies. No Billie, that's not a lipstick demon, it's just Mama Gaga here to protect you with... the power of gay men dancing?
Also: Who's excited for Scott Pilgrim vs. The World coming out this Friday?? I know I am, because I am a nerd. I finally read the whole 6-book series in a day and can say that now I'm thoroughly prepared and pumped for the movie. Though I'm still wary of Michael Cera as the titular hero... What dost thou think?
I had to put this trailer up because I love the last bit from 2:15. It's so stupid (and straight from the book!) that it made me laugh.
Lady, your shout-outs fill me with joy! For reals!!!
So you recommend this Scott Pilgrim book series? I recommend two series that are Young Adult, and fantastic: The Hunger Games by Collins, and Shiver by Stiefvater. OK, maybe Stiefvater is a friend of a friend, but her book is really good, and the sequel debuted at #1 on the NY Times Bestseller list.
Safe travels!
Hmm I'm not sure if I'm going to watch Scott Pilgrim in theaters, but it does look interesting! Haha I LOVE ALEJANDRO! It reminds me actually a lot of Europop and ABBA which is probably why I love it so much. And because it's Lady Freakin' Gaga :)
damn that must have been a delicious snack, hahaha, in fact im feeling hungry...im going to attack the fridge.....
Lovely post! Have a nice weekend;)
Alejandro has been on my repeat playlist for about forever now. IT'S SO ADDICTING AND FUN TO SEXYDANCE TO. D8 and those fruits look delicious om nom.
That movie looks sooo hilarious can't wait to see it! And mmmm blueberries...
That movie looks sooo funny!! Thanks for sharing :)
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