What's Lovely for Friday, August 13, 2010: Facing one of the hardest truths-- admitting that you were really all sorts of fucked up wrong

Tunic/dress/thing- H&M :: Pants- magic? :: Wedges- TJMaxx
I'm back, baby! I came back from bustling NYC yesterday but was too tired and blazed out of my mind to do any proper blogging. I almost didn't make it today, either! But I hate being out of the blogging loop for so long, reallytruly. There's so much to share in such belated time-- missed flight, blistered feet, great works of art, giant pizza slices, meeting a fellow blogger... but let's go with the Cliff's Notes version:
The outfit above is what I would've worn in my first day in NYC, only in an embarrassing turn of events, I missed my Friday flight that resulted in a very panicked meltdown. I'll spare you the ugly details, but one positive thing that resulted out of this was that I ended up watching Scott Pilgrim in theaters (all you nerds and geeks and everything in between-- I HIGHLY recommend this fast-paced amazingness) with friends. Luckily, I was able to board the next flight the next morning-- I'm so grateful to Lizzie for having the patience with me. I was incorrigible. Was? Yes, let's leave it at "was" for now.
There are only so many couldashouldawoulda's I can say, but in the end, the hardest act is to let go and make peace for what you got. And what I got was still great and I ended up having an amazing (albeit short-lived) time with Liz in the cit-ay (did I just say that?). However, yesterday and today was spent nursing a bug I got from my weekend there-- let's say that I was ill-prepared for the cooler, rainier weather. Dare I say it, I missed my hot and humid Midwestern weather!
Not only do I feel like this song adequately portrays the whole "if you hadn't but you did" attitude I'm sorta trying to convey, but Kristen Chenoweth is an amazing and talented darling.
So I'll be sharing my three days in NYC properly over the next three days-- three for three! Like the cheesy tourist that I was, I did my darndest to take as many pictures as I could without looking too... obvious. I probably obviously failed in that department. Woops.
What's Lovely for August 17, 2010: Having the internet to console my little sickness-- such as this article of Daniel Radcliffe being awesome. I love the boy too much.
I'm going to see Scott Pilgrim tomorrow! I'm so excited!
It's rainy in NY? Oh no! i'm going there tomorrow!
All my people want to see Scott Pilgrim. Good to read your brief review. You look adorable, if also a bit low on pizza and sandwiches. A cold will do that, no?
Right, I'm sorry I know you love him but um...that second picture in the Daniel Radcliffe article with those impressive goggles, OH LAWDY I cried laughing. Surprised you didn't hear me from over here!
I dunno, I just love mahooosive glasses that need a chuckling at. =]
We still good? ^_^
You know what, Dan Rad seems like the coolest person ever. He just does his thing and enjoys life not caring what anyone else thinks. I can definitely appreciate that.
You look way awesome, I love your stripes and yellow. ;D STRIPES AND YELLOW ARE AWESOME YOU BUMBLEEBEE CHIC YOU.
I don't know how it is possible that you miss your humid hot weather because I dislike it so! xD but that's nice that you got a change of awesome coolness. :D
What? I didn't even know you missed your Friday flight! You somehow crammed so much into the weekend I can only imagine how zonked out of it you probably felt once you were back home. Nonetheless, it was wildly fantastic to have met you! (I feel very honored that you somehow managed to fit a trip to BKLYN into the tight schedule--thank your friend Liz for me for bringing you all the way to my 'hood!) It was really awesome!
I hope you didn't think, in the end, I really was that old creepy lady I swore to you that I was not! I try to keep things in terms of my life "young and hip" so as to mesh well with people of all ages. Well whatever the case, I'm glad we met up, its always nice to meet some stylish folk from the Hoosier State!
Sorry about the missed flight and the blisters, but I'm sure the good stuff made up for it! I can't wait to hear more!
I love the yellow wedges here!
cute outfit.
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