Shirt- Aeropostale :: Scarf- garage sale :: Pants- Mom's :: Leggings- magic? :: Belt- Thailand :: Shoes- Jeffrey Campbell via Thailand
What's Lovely for Monday, August 16, 2010: Being able to see great, famous works of art in the afternoon and eat great lo mein for dinner that same day
What's Lovely for Friday, August 20, 2010: Having a friendly snake tickle your armpit (I swear, not as weird as it sounds)
What's Lovely for Saturday, August 21, 2010: Feeling faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabulous (pictures shall come later)
Here's a photo journal of my last day in NYC this past weekend-- I feel like no words are necessary.
What's Lovely for Monday, August 16, 2010: Being able to see great, famous works of art in the afternoon and eat great lo mein for dinner that same day
What's Lovely for Friday, August 20, 2010: Having a friendly snake tickle your armpit (I swear, not as weird as it sounds)
What's Lovely for Saturday, August 21, 2010: Feeling faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabulous (pictures shall come later)
Here's a photo journal of my last day in NYC this past weekend-- I feel like no words are necessary.

Oh you are making me PUMPED for NYC in two weeks! P.S. those pants are craaaaaaz-aaayy
I was like...WHOAH the painting next to Frida Khalo's looks like you...wait a minute! =P
Are the tags from Yoko Ono's wish tree? If they are...you may have seen mine and my boyfriend's tags!
I also got a kick out of the picture from the plane with the piece of road looking like a question mark.
Oh man, I commend you on not only letting a snake within 10m of you, but letting it tickle your armpit! (of all places) Major bravery there, dude.
All of your pictures are making me insane jealous, too, not gonna lie. And that (those?) art exhibits you got to go to... swoon!
GIRL YOUR PANTS ARE ROCKIN'. And these are way way cool paintings. I wish I could have been with youuuuu~~~~~~~~ except for the snake tickling your armpit part, I'd be scared as 2387wregd.
I'm so jealous you got to go to NYC! Looks like you had a fun trip! Also I love all your pictures, and those pants are so epic :) Love your scarf too!
Also, I've just started a new project called The World View project and it'd mean so much to me if you could check it out? Thanks if you do! ^_^
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