What's Lovely for Saturday, August 14, 2010: The overwhelming relief that you're headed on a plane towards that city with the Big Apple

A little photo shoot at the Metro North train station (I thought it to be appropriate at the time).
Top- Aeropostale :: Skirt- Forever 21 :: Belt- Walmart :: Shoes- Jeffrey Campbell via Thailand :: Head scarf- garage sale
Top- Aeropostale :: Skirt- Forever 21 :: Belt- Walmart :: Shoes- Jeffrey Campbell via Thailand :: Head scarf- garage sale

After admiring Grand Central Station (I was fairly gawking, actually), hitting up the Strand, trying on an amazingly confusing garment that Lizzie found in a local vintage store and eating half of Pad Thai, we endeavored to the vast spectacle called the Met. Where I had to throw away my Pad Thai, my perfectly good Pad Thai. One thing you should know about me, I deplore wasting food.

Even though Lizzie told me that the Met was enormous, I didn't fathom just how big it was. She was right: properly exploring the place would take a lifetime. I saw Chinese gardens, French bedrooms (scandeleux!) and an amazing view of the skyline-- among other things.

Ending the long day at the famous Serendipity was worth the hour and a half long wait. Despite the restaurant's small appearance, everything-- the menus and the portions-- was large. Just like New York itself. Something so big crammed into something quite small.
I can't believe I stayed up from 4 AM till 2 AM the next day. Needless to say, I was fairly dead. And that was only the first day.
I can't believe I stayed up from 4 AM till 2 AM the next day. Needless to say, I was fairly dead. And that was only the first day.
What's Lovely for August 18, 2010: Whistling along to this charming song by a charming fellow (who isn't fangirling over this guy lately?)
Looks like you ha d a pretty fantastical time! So jealous. I really badly want to go to New York but funds won't allow it! Stupid penniless student thing...
That song by the way, is gorgeous too. Have you seen either of the Morgan M. Morgansen films he was in?
They. Are. AWESOME.
Here are the links:
Date with Destiny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFOIdhaJLo8
Morgan and Destiny's eleventeeth date: http://youbentmywookie.com/entertainment/morgan-and-destinys-eleventeenth-date-staring-joseph-gordon-levitt-and-channing-tatum-9731
This one has Channing Tatum in too! *Explodes*
You look super cute in that headband! And WOW, the Met sounds amazing! This post caused me to turn to my husband and say, "We should go to New York and just plan to visit the Met for three days." I mean, that sounds seriously dreamy.
I'm so happy you had such an awesome time in NYC, and I'm just sorry we couldn't meet up (my schedule has sucked lately). The photos you took are fantastic -- you really captured so many different parts and moments of the city day. Ugh, I don't want to have to leave the East Coast and go back westward.
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