So as back-lit-and-looking-contemplative-and-totally-deep-while-sitting-in-the-grass I look in this picture, I've really been bogged down with sickness and just mental exhaustion-- and it's not even been a full week of school yet! Oh, dear.

Look who interrupted my photo shoot! Hallo, old friend!

Second day of school outfit// Shirt/dress- H&M :: Tank- Old Navy :: Skinnies- Gap :: Flats- Charlotte Russe
I've been on and off from being sorta sick to being really sick with a sore throat and an irrepressible cough right when the fall semester rolled around. Really poor timing on my body's part, yeesh. However, I still wanted to stay faithful with my outfit posts (though I see that both follow a similar pattern of black/white/pop of color). So here they are. Voila. I feel bad. Like I'm the neglecting divorced parent who keeps throwing money at the lonely kid instead of taking time to sit down and just talk. I don't mean to be quite so hideous, I'll make up for it in the future when I'm less zapped of energy. In the meantime, I'd love to hear your lovely internet voices! I could really need it. *pitiful cough cough*

Third day of school outfit// Dress- TJMaxx :: V-neck- from Thailand :: Leggings- magic? :: Flats- from Thailand
What's Lovely for Monday, August 23, 2010: First day of school! (when do the rest of you start, if you are heading back to school?)
What's Lovely for Tuesday, August 24, 2010: Hearing polka music playing from a car while walking down the street (seriously, how wonderfully random is that?)
What's Lovely for Wednesday, August 25, 2010: Re-reading an online conversation after it ends because you want to read it again (am I the only crazy one who does this?)
Hope you get to feeling chipper shortly!
*pushes mug of tea through the computer*
I just moved in yesterday - yay I.U.!
Aww I hope you feel better soon! Ugh I know what you mean, I wish school were over with already! I started this week too. Love your lace top!
love this! your hair it fab!
cheers, Jesa :)
It's so funny that you're already back at school. As far as I know, most schools in Canada start sometime around September 7th or later. But this year, I'm going on an exchange to England, so my university doesn't start up until October 8th! It feels so far away!
Hope you're feeling back to normal soon!
Ce qui m'inspire
I go back to uni on 27th September, then moving into a new house on the 1st, going on holiday on the 3rd, then moving in properly on the 13th. And of course, I'm starting the world view project when I get back from holiday too. Sooo excited for september! (Thank you for singing up for the project, as well btw! And don't worry about not knowing what to take photos of yet because I don't either!)
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