What's Lovely for June 18, 2010: Thank you Brandi, for paying it forward!
Take a look at this and this to jog your memory. Not only is it wonderful to get stuff in the mail, but a lovely gift full of good will after a long, hard day at work? Effin' priceless. Which reminds me: I need to get a start on mine. :)
PS: Thanks to all those who shared their favorite summer songs! Hey, but why stop? Keep 'em coming: anyone who hasn't already told me, what's your summer song?
Girl, Beck~ good song, good song. Old song, but good song.
and awwww, mail gifts are fun! I got one from my adorable bloggerfriend Jen today. :) it brightened my day!
How sweet -- I love mail gifts from friends. In a world of emails and facebook, sometimes it's wonderful to get something handwritten.
Aw man I love proper mail. There's nothing awesome about bank statements and bills, so nice little parcels like these are just perfect to get through your door.
I also just tagged you with 5 questions as well, if you wanna mosey on over and take a peek! =]
I just got your comment on my last post, now! SORRRRRYYYY about the blister pictures. Didn't mean to make you feel queasy! DX
But thank you for saying I did it in style, all the same. ^_~
As great as e-mail is, I love sending real letters on good stationery. It's a dying art which I try to keep alive. Thanks for supporting it!
My summer song of all time will always be Bryan Adams - Summer of '69 haha and my nail polish is from Sephora. I think its called Teenie Bikini or something. I actually wouldn't recommend it. Its super thick and goopy. I'd get China Glaze Re-fresh Mint OR I know Claire's actually makes a seafoam color (I know right?!) haha hope that helps!
My summer song is "beach boys -wouldn't it be nice" =D
Neat idea :) Pass it forward online to offline!
I'm super excited for our package swap now!
I'm so glad you liked it! I can't wait to send you the second part. I just need a finished kitchen first.
And I'm sorry I'm so behind on posts and haven't been around lately. Things the past few months have been so crazy.
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