Note: These photos were taken yesterday. Just to clear that up. Yeah.
What's Lovely for Friday, May 28, 2010: Going to a legit floating market (I apparently went to a "fake one" earlier in this trip) and actually floating in a boat and stuff. Like a Thai Venice. Or perhaps Venice is the Thai Floating Market, I'm pretty sure they've been afloat for longer. But don't quote me on that, the non-history major.

This was my point of view from where I was eating a scrumptious lunch of kale and pork. That's totally not in the picture, but I figured I'd keep you informed.

It was kinda hard to balance a coconut ice cream (in a coconut shell bowl!) while not rocking the boat, not rocking the boat, baby.

This will be the first of many photos I took of "people rowing in front of us" while on our route around the market. The perks of sitting in front, right?

What I marveled at was each shopkeeper's remarkable sense of balance.

Waterlogged traffic jam? I say yes.

Another amazing thing about Thailand: I can almost never identify what native fruit I see in front of me.

Once we turned around the river bend (subtle Pocahontas reference there), it suddenly became a very quiet place, since we arrived early in the afternoon and missed the busy morning business.

I've seen a forest of trees, but of coconut trees? Nice.

Don't ask me what's on that man's face, I have nooo idea myself.
What's Lovely for today, May 29, 2010: Dancing like a fool to Hall and Oates' "You Make My Dreams Come True."

I wish I could tell you where Pink got her clothes, but... I think a roughly accurate guesstimation is: from various marketplaces and shops in Thailand for all of them.

I apologize for the wonky expression, or lack thereof, on my face. I apparently forgot how to properly smile.

I was eager to try out denim and lace together after I saw a girl wearing an all-jean/chambray outfit with lace tights.
Lace top & tank- JJ Market @ Bangkok : Shorts- secondhand : Sandals- TJMaxx : Pearls- Night bazaar @ Hua Hin : Bag- borrowed from Pink

We found these amazing sunglasses whilst browsing the outdoor markets at Siam Square. It's a good look for her, no?
Robot sunglasses? Perhaps so.
I love that marketplace.. it seems to cool. :D I want to go!~
Oh my gosh this is absolutely amazing.
That looks incredible; great pics, beautiful outfits, delicious looking coconut ice-cream! Can I tag along?
-Juliette WhereForArtThouRomeo
Ahaha. Those shades are funny.
I love coconut ice cream and what's a better way to serve it than in a coconut shell!
1. I envy your ability to pull off pearls, I am DEFINETLY not classy enough to do so.
2. Coconut icecream= swoooooon (I will survive because I am currently chowing donw my strawberries with goat cheese and sugar, OH YES, I WENT THERE)
3. It is probably not the best idea to be looking at pictures of your exciting adventures while I am sitting bored at home with an unsatiated case of wanderlust. Geee thanks.
4. those sunglasses are made of awesome.
5. Also, floating markets are made of awesome
6. I wish I could find a way to make this list longer.
7.How long are you in Thailand for/
8. I will reply to your email as speedily as possible, Ack, I didn't realized so much time had passed since you sent yours, I am sorrrrrry!!!! BUt as of right now I really need to get ouf of the house and partake in some retail therapy because I am feeling mildly depressed.
10. THat shouldn't have part of the list but I wanted ten parts soooooooo....... bye.
Whoa. Shopkeepers on the lake are AMAZING! What a life! Also, how are you staying so on trend with your handkerchief hemmed lace top when you're on vacation?! It's insanity.
cool photos! you've got a great eye. x
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