I hope you got your photo-lookin' raincoat on, because there's gonna be a wave of 'em today (I should stop talking like some sort of colloquial farmer who... blogs). I went back to the JJ Market and bought a-- what's the eloquent way to put it? Oh right, a crap ton of shiznit. I could barely carry all the bags, and shopping with Pink is either the greatest thing or the worst thing. Greatest, because I'm in Thailand with her and she's fun to shop with. Or worst thing, she's the worst enabler ever-- "you should totally get that!" which equals "more money shall be spent! muahahaha" At least today I was buying for everyone besides myself, so I actually felt really good about my heavy purchases. :)

Some of JJ Market is outside, while some are blissfully indoors. It's still open air, but at least indoors means that there's the occasional oasis of a fan.

I'm a huge Tintin fan (also Asterix! they had bags of them, too), but it was a bit too pricey for me. All I have is this picture *figurative tear*

Speaking of Tintin, was I the only one who thought of Tintin and the Secret of the Unicorn when I saw this ship? No? Anyone? Dang.

I just liked taking obligatory pictures of the aisles, there were so much merchandise! It was a confusing labyrinth of shops and alleyways in this area, we almost got lost.

Excuse me ma'am, may I take a picture of.... your.... shootdang.

Look, the tiniest of toy fruit! There probably is little use (har har) for them besides having a collection and arranging them like a mini grocery store.

I'm leaning back because up close, these cute birds are TERRIFYING all beaks and claws and whatnot.

The view from where I sat. What I love most about Thailand are the plants and foliage. The large tropical leaves that never turn yellow or orange or red remind me that I'm not in the Midwest anymore.

Stir-fried kale with pork and spicy green curry...... mmmmmmmfoodpornmmmmm. Poor Pink bit right into a chili, though, OUCH.

Picture of ... eaten food and lemongrass tea. More amateur food porn.

Another wonderful thing about this restaurant is that it was right next to the big Chao Phraya river that runs through Bangkok.

We did some more outfit shots, then sat around for awhile then AHHHH A RED ANT LANDED ON ME IT BIT ME AHH GET IT OFF GET IT OFF PINK STOP LAUGHING AT ME. Yeah, that really happened. That was NOT a lovely thing about this place; tropics = many many insects and bugs.
Jumper- Night bazaar at Hua Hin : Keds- stolen from Mom : Headband- stolen from Pink's sister (thanks, Pear!), it's a pity you can't see how cute it is, it has black polka dots!
What's Lovely for May 23, 2010: Looking up, around and all about, and feeling like you've just landed in the Jungle Book.

Simply. Breathtaking.
Wow! Those a great pictures! It looks like a totally fun day!!!
The toy watermelon is SOOO cute!
Ohh haha look at all the little toy fruits!
I really want mini fruit earrings now!
Thai food, nom nom nom.
Btw, how do you feel about the tin tin movie coming out?
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