(yet another retro What's Lovely; who's ready for some more time travelin'?)
What's Lovely for (this past) Monday, May 10, 2010: Having three-- THREE-- guys help you out on three separate occasions while you're lugging around your suitcases around Chicago.
Occasion 1: Young man who kindly offered to help Pink and I scoot our five suitcases out of the train.
Occasion 2: I FELL UP THE ESCALATOR TRYING TO CARRY TWO SUITCASES WHICH WAS TERRIFYING only to have this six-foot tall dude standing right behind me catch my flailing self. Whew.
Occasion 3: Another young fellow who after some thought helped poor Pink carry a suitcase up the stairs.
Oy vey, how sadly damsel in distress of us. At least the rest of the day wasn't quite so hilariously pitiful (I'd like to think).

My facial expression doesn't nearly give our godforsaken task of carrying our suitcases around proper justice.

Bringin' out my inner Glamourai, what with being in the city and wearin' a kimono. Bein' fancy like that.

With a little coaxing, we had a mini photo shoot outside the Chicago Art Institute.
Shirt&Belt- secondhand : Scarf- gift from Pink! : Kimono- garage sale : Cardigan- TJMaxx (now LOST wtf) : Skinnies- Gap : Socks- magic? : Shoes- Old Navy : Purse- TJMaxx

That big black thing in my purse is my sketchbook: one of my most favorite things to do is take rough sketches of the works I see at art museums. Shut it, I'm deep like that.

Nearly two hours wasn't nearly enough to enjoy some of our favorite art-- like good ol' Toulouse-Lautrec, that lovable absinthe-soaked midget.

Forget the Da Vinci Code: we need to solve the mystery of Why is Adrien Brody Disguised as a Woman in this Painting.

I'm glad I managed to sneak in this picture; this woman's coat is a work of fabulous art.

When in Chicago, you must take the obligatory pictures at the Bean.

For lunch (and proper pre-shopping fuel), I had my first authentic Chicago deep dish. Shoveling into it with a fork and knife was definitely a challenge.

Pink's family friends' home (did you get all that?) is near the Baha'i Temple of Worship, which I had the fortune to take pictures of (only on the outside though, cameras weren't allowed inside).

Isn't the detailing amazing? I thought it resembled a paper cut-out, only strangely solid. And thus ends my adventure in Chicago. Much like Ferris Bueller's, only not. Funny thing, since I didn't even see that movie... woops.
I like your outfit, its unique. I like people thinking out of the box. :)
ps: I think i should trying rolling my stuffs when next i'm travelling.
This last photo is beautiful!
That woman with the coat must be from France, because those are everywhere there, and the women LOVE them. Haha.
Bon voyage.
Oh what fun, it sounds like you had a fantastic time! Haha the escalator incident sounds funny but a bit horrifying! Thank goodness someone caught you!
the kimono! awww, really great!
The Queen of Queer
HAHAH i love the ode to ferris bueller
im in love your jacket !
the sleeves are soo cool and unique :)
Isn't it nice when guys are such gentlemen? ;) It's nice to see there are some well-mannered men out there.
Oooh your outfit is AMAZING! You never disappoint. And these photos rock!! xoxo
Love the belt/scarf combo. what enchanting pictures!
1. I'm glad you took my excellent travel suggestions
3. Adrian Brody disguised as a women? I definetly see it.
4. Your scarf belt combo with the kimono is GENIUS.
5. Can I live in that building? Pretty please?
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