What's Lovely for Thursday, May 20, 2010: Considering it a step in progress when you can eat sustainable food without wanting to upchuck. Baby steps.

I come from the mists of Avalon.... Mall. Avalon Mall. Actually, that's not the name of this place, but wouldn't it have been too perfect if it had been?
Tank- secondhand : Skort- secondhand : Flats- Charlotte Russe
What's Lovely for Friday, May 21, 2010: Catching up on your favorite shows on partially shady sites (damn you, American TV that cannot play in foreign countries!), making and eating tosca cake... but most importantly-- remembering how important alone time is.
I'm still alive! I feel terrible that I've been away for so long, and with so many photos and What's Lovelies to share, too. Except I think my first What's Lovely can explain why I was mainly moping around for this past week since Sunday. I'm at the point where I don't completely grimace at the sight and smell of food. I curse my supposedly delicate Westernized stomach; and here I thought I was a brave eater. To that, my stomach clearly had the last laugh.
Next up: Update on ALL -- yes, I do hope-- ALL of the What's Lovelies and even some outfits! Oh my.
Glad you're back from the mist! What a perfect name for a mall-Avalon... :)
I do love your top, but what are you standing on?
Uh-oh...upset stomachs can really get you down :P But, looks like you're having plenty fun!
OH man! When my ex went to Thailand he loved the food. He talked about it ALL the time.
That looks super cool! I love mist :P
i hope that mist didnt smell bad ^^
...must....not....use stupid puns about you looking... "smokin"...
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