As Elaine said, I'm clearly not Irish (though I have been asked once whether I was "a mixed?!?") But my green WAS on purpose. As Michael Scott wisely put it, "St. Patrick's Day is the closest the Irish will ever get to Christmas." Y'know. Besides... Christmas.
Did any of you wear festive green today? If you didn't, someone's askin' for a-pinchin' on the bottom! I'll do it, just you watch, even if it's after St. Patrick's Day. The leprechaun would want it that way.
I'm being all fine and dandy with the tree bush when AGGHGHGH AHHH IT GOT ME THE VENGEFUL TREE BUSH GOT ME.
This St. Patty's Day, Lizzie and I decided to hightail the traditional Irish grub in order to avoid the massive, mostly inebriated crowd. Not to say that I don't love my fish and chips, but I could do without the green beer and vomit (though some might argue that THAT'S WHAT MAKES ST. PATRICK'S DAY SO WONDERFUL I would beg to differ).
Instead, we opted for lovely healthy vegan food, since I requested (more like half begged) Lizzie that we eat at a relatively healthy spot after that greasy monstrosity of a hamburger yesterday-- but then, anything is relatively healthy to that. It was very scrumdiddlyumptious (yes, I'm now Ned Flanders), and the only reason I don't have food porn to share is that the quality of the picture was pretty sucky. And there's no worse porn buzzkill than poorly lighted food, amirite.
As you can see, I wasn't the only one who took St. Patrick's Day seriously. At least Lizzie has a legit excuse to dress head to toe in green, she has somethingsomething% Irish in her.
Aren't her shamrock earrings adorable??
I may or may not have
coerced Lizzie to take some pictures for this blog's sake while wearing her pirate coat that I borrowed because the cool wind was making me a bit of a weenie.
Dress- American Apparel : Blouse- Violet & Claire via TJMaxx : Belt- Walmart : Tights- magic? : Underskirt- Aeropostale : Shoes- Gentle Souls via TJMaxx : Bag- Knockoff Louis Vuitton : Coat- borrowed from Lizzie!
We also may or may not have gotten a weird look from a lady from inside this building while we were taking pictures... sneakily.
What's Lovely for March 17, 2010: Besides wearing bright green on St. Patrick's Day and catching up with friends in a coffee shop-- this video clip that just made me smile and smile (because I'm silly). Ironically, it's in Russian.
If you have no idea what's going on, I suggest you educate yourself posthaste.
I love the st pattys day spirit! You look fantastic. I love how you styled this entire outfit..good on you. And yes, please hop on a plane! :)
green suits you! love the outfit and the photoshooting is gorgeous!
Coool blog! I love it! I'm following it!
A mixed?!?! What the what? Bwaaa ha ha ha ha! What a nutter.
The funny thing is, I'm so mixed we don't even know where one of my grandparents was from. Could have been Mars. But no one ever asks me those questions. It's bullsh#t I tell you.
HUGS! I'm Asian too :P
No St. Patrick's Day in the UK (surprise, surprise...) but you and your friend look lovely in green. Suits you so well!
Yay for the non-Irish!
I love how you use your underskirt. I need to get one ASAP!
Also, love your friend's pirate coat!
Enter to win a women's Orient watch!
I laughed so hard when I saw the picture of the bush eating you. XD Hard me in stitches! haha.
I was terribly un-festive yesterday and didn't really wear green. I actually didn't really even get dressed yesteryda... yay PJs. Though my PJs are green with cows on them, so maybe that counts a bit. Do I only get half a pinch now? :P
Sounds like you and Lizzie had a fun adventure! MY bff's name is Lizzie, too! I adore your outfit; green is a good color for you.
This video is fantastic. As if he hasn't changed one smidge!
"And when it's done, we'll gather somewhere in internet" Furthermore, he would like us to "love and bring up children"
Well if you insist you sly dawg, you. ^_~
And I'm glad we'z bros/hos still.
You two look fantastic. When I looked at this post I realized I had forgotten St. Patricks Day completely.... not hard to do down here in Peru. No pinches for me.
Oh I love the layering of a full skirt under a tight dress, it creates so much texture within the outfit. Hope you had a great St. Patrick's day!!
PS I have a lace obsession too!
What cute st. patty's day look!
I love the shirt belted over the dress, and the tights are fantastic!
Chic on the Cheap
NO VENGEFUL BUSH NOOOOO. *cuts it down and saves you* I have that problem all the time. D: It's quite unfortunate, no?
I love your entire outfit. Seriously, the aqwua color and the shirt over the dress and the the tights and the wonderfulness and the little details on the brown jacket ohhhh all so wonderful. :)
I love the pattern of your blouse! It looks so nice with the bright green of your dress!
Ce qui m'inspire
You got exactly two "out-loud" chuckles from me, (and I don't throw those around so often when no one else is sharing in the same moment).
1st chuckle-your post's title
2nd chuckle-your picture w/the goofy face-I love it!
oh and actually a 3rd chuckle-when you referenced Michael Scott. I might have to throw in a few Dwight references into my posts once in a while; he's another one that warrants out-loud chuckles from me.
You look cute and fun for st. patty's day. I didn't wear green because I know next to NO ONE here in NYC knows about the "pinching" rule. However, I grew up abiding by that particular rule, so I felt like breaking it this year.
Oh and please just permanently snatch that pirate coat from your friend, and then sell it to me, ok? Deal!
Oh, wow...I love this outfit...very eccentric... I will definitely be keeping up with your blog more often!
LOL this made me laugh lots - the tree part - not the outfit - that part is stunning!
And your friend looks just like a friend of mone - I had to do a double take :)
CC xXx
I absolutely LOVE the way you layered the blouse over the collar dress! I have to try that sometime!
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