This outfit makes me look like I'm ready for choppin' wood and consumin' American soil and wrasslin' a bear at night and other manly stuff, right? Sure, if I had any muscle capacity at all to do such heavy grunt work.
Today I never left the house (but in a desperate attempt to savor the 65 degrees, I thrust open doors and windows, only to realize that I was a little chilly after that-- fail), so this photo shoot was completely and utterly useless, in terms of practicality. Buuut I figured, what the hey, the Toast needs some pictures. Oh, the things I do for this blog...
I actually did this partly out of boredom and partly because I always feel a little better if I put on makeup and dress up. It's a bit silly, almost like playing dress-up as a kid, but is anyone the same way? Is there that little something that you do that perks you up?
Hey, did you get the tickets? To what? THE GUN SHOW. Aw yeah, check that nonexistent muscle. Rosie the Riveter, watch the FUCK OUT.
Tee- American Apparel secondhand : Shirt- secondhand Men's shirt from garage sale : Skinnies- Gap : Booties- Rebels via TJMaxx
Tee- American Apparel secondhand : Shirt- secondhand Men's shirt from garage sale : Skinnies- Gap : Booties- Rebels via TJMaxx
If anyone has ever happened to read any of the several thousand comments I've left on others' blogs, I'm a big fan of menswear on women. I could delve into how psychologically whether this has anything to do with me wanting to be domineering, or wanting to break out of traditional society's set guidelines for what a proper woman's role should be, or whether women should have to dress in men's clothing at all to feel like they hold a certain power... uhh, looks like I went ahead and did talk about it. My bad. Incurably confusing sentences and rambling debates aside, I think that there are few things that look more confident (and consequently sexier) on a woman than menswear-inspired clothing.
Which is why I'm in love with this Teen Vogue spread so much. It's like they're ripping off Indiana Jones and his dad with the tweed and grandpa cardigans in the best way.
I just happened to find this old, giant plaid shirt in my closet and went with it. After being confused by the buttons (they're on the wrong side, dammit, how do men do this??), I rolled up the sleeves and tried my best to act like I was going to a badass monster truck rally, or something stereotypically manly like that.This picture, that I probably shouldn't be putting up, is to remind you all that I'm not totally serious.
In the meantime, I've been feeling like I'm being squeezed tighter slowly, yet surely. Spring break can't be long enough, and my sense of time is already grotesquely distorted so that there seems to be a million important things I should be doing. To be frank, I'd much rather be blogging, which un/fortunately seems to be taking up a lot of my time (especially now when I have all this free time on my hands). Consequently, I feel guilty.
However, I always love reading comments from new and familiar faces in the blogosphere. Each one is a push of encouragement and makes me smile (sometimes I even guffaw, like a lady that I am). So if I haven't properly thanked you already, danke. :)
However, I always love reading comments from new and familiar faces in the blogosphere. Each one is a push of encouragement and makes me smile (sometimes I even guffaw, like a lady that I am). So if I haven't properly thanked you already, danke. :)
I like how this music video looks like a mix between a Sandals ad and any movie set in Europe ever. Though a European man in a white shirt and certain je ne sais quoi is pretty fetching AMIRITE GIRLS.
What's Lovely for March 18, 2010: I found this song on another blog and I haven't stopped listening to Caro Emerald since. I always get a certain thrill when I listen to than swinging jazz and brings out my secret dream to be a jazz singer with the classic mic and red lipstick.
[but do y'all think I can even carry a tune? that is the question, haha]
PS: I'll be gone from the computer tomorrow night and the day after-- so at most, it will be a two day hiatus from the blog. Hope to see y'all then!
[but do y'all think I can even carry a tune? that is the question, haha]
This song just makes me want to dance wildly in a flapper dress while old ladies call me a brazen Jezebel. Oh, simpler times.
PS: I'll be gone from the computer tomorrow night and the day after-- so at most, it will be a two day hiatus from the blog. Hope to see y'all then!
playing dress up is always good fun! Cute outfit!
My Delusional Mind
I'm glad you're not one of those super serious bloggers. Your posts are so amusing and I love themm! :D You look amazinginging.
ps) I have the secret dream of being a jazz singer, too, and sing in my shower like one and it's awesome.
Enjoy your hiatus Miss Rosie the Riveter!
I like the song in your title :)
thanks for the comment and for checking my blog out.
I really appreciate it.
Have a great weekend, dear. :)
Awesome plaid shirt! You remind me of Karen O :P
I don't know if it's the physical appearance but it might be the quirkiness too haha.
I am a sucker for tailored menswear.You look so cute here.
Nothing wrong with playing dress up! I adore menswear outfits too, I just dont think I can carry it off like you and other bloggers!
Have a great weekend Toastie!
As usual, you are just funny as can be. I love menswear too, even though I tend to dress uber girly (ps, I DO wear pants/jeans regularily, they just haven't made it into an outfit post in a while since most of my skirt/dress outfits are more interesting) Love the red lipstick on you!
I loove your outfit!
your blog is really funny, i like it.
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