I was just typing in one of those passwords to verify my comment on a blog when I saw that the nonsense word was "coldaga."
These pictures were actually taken yesterday, when I walked around campus wearing the bright yellow babies that I mentioned awhile ago. Because they were such an unexpected color, I had to plan out how to wear them. Call it garish if you will, but purple stripes + yellow seemed like a good idea in my head. I added on some basic black and pearls to ground it in classic elements, so the crazy fashion train wouldn't careen off of the metaphor track. Did that make any sense? It did... in my head.

One remark I got from a friend, who happened to be wearing some bitchin' aviators at the time, said: "I need sunglasses just to look at your tights."
Clever, clever.
Clever, clever.
I love dressing for fun, and bright colors are a must when it comes to putting the fun in fashion. Wait, that doesn't work. Fashfun? That just sounds like the most exciting fascist government EVER. Needless to say, these tights got me a good number of comments. Most of them were very nice-- like a schoolgirl (not that I'm NOT one, of course), I was very flattered by the pantomiming of "nice tights!" from a classmate, the random friendly-looking man walking by, and this one dude who said my legs looked like bananas-- wait, what. "Yeah, and with your brown shoes, you look like a banana."
Then I said he made a bad joke and he got all huffy. We're cool, though. But now I can't get "Banana Phone" out of my head. And now you can't either mwahahahaha.

Sweater- Goodwill : Skirt- Esprit secondhand : Tights- We Love Colors : Shoes- Gentle Souls via TJMaxx : Necklaces- $3 at Von's & gift

Aw look, a decent picture of my photographer and I. Well, a decent pictures of her, at least. I feel like this image shatters the fashion blogging mirror OH MON DIEU.
Y'know how they sometimes feature an outfit and show the little changes "from day to night?" Well, this is one of those times, so hold onto your seatbelts (and belts in general)! Anticlimax aside, I just swapped my lovely giant purple striped sweater (though it has a slight pink stain on the back, boo) for an asymmetrical black top. What I do like in this version is that the pearls stand out more; 'cause I'm a totally classy broad like that, ahem.

omnomnomomnom, pearls before swine. -- Top- The Limited, secondhand
What's Lovely for March 5, 2010: Receiving the key to traveling the world.

What's Lovely for March 6, 2010: Remembering someone you haven't seen or thought about in a very long time.
Wow, very exciting outfit!
I love your blog, it's so entertaining to read.
Where are you hoping to travel?
you look cute! nice tights. :)
I wore bright purple tights today and a few people told me that I was blinding them...not sure whether or not that was a compliment? Anway, thi IS a compliment...LOVE YOUR TIGHTS! YAY FOR BRIGHT COLOURS!
Fun tights! Love your necklace.
i love your blog. This is my 4th visit i think and my first time to comment. And i love that power ranger photo. hahaha.
btw i love your style. refreshing and unique.
I am Denise Katipunera
I dont care what anyone else says, those yellow tights with this outfit are amazing! I love the stripes..its such a contrast. You look like a stunner!
this outfit made me smile! so much fun! i especially love the necklace.
"And I thought: WELL IT AIN'T COLDAGA ANYMORE, PUNKS." - haha That totally made my day.
I love how vibrant the yellow tights are :)
OMG this outfit rules. you are super cute and i love the quirkiness :)
Forgot to mention how I adore your header!
I don't see any reason for me not to follow you so I definitely will. Can't wait to read your upcoming posts!
Coloured tights is where it's at. I'm all about the coloured tights.
A woman actually stopped me in the supermarket and was like: Excuse me miss, but are you aware that your tights are brown and not black?
Aww shit! Thanks lady! I did totally think I was wearing black tights seeing as I got dressed in the dark. Thanks for the heads up...
*Grumble grumble*
Yeah...I get a few comments, but hell - Why not wear different tights?! POWER TO OUR TIGHTS!!
Those are just about the best banana legs I've ever seen! Love the day-to-night switch. And thank goodness the coldaga might be over!
Haha, you are hilariously lovely. I love your sense of humor, and MAD style!!
Hi! I love your tights! Cute blog!
those yellow stockings definitely made the outfit pop !
your outfits always make me wanna buy tights in all sorts of colors :D
thanks much for the comments dear !
visit - follow - comment me back at..
glisters and blisters
love love love the outfit, I'm a big fan of coloured tights. I also love your blog, I will be back to visit
I love the yellow stockings. So cute
Great way to mix patterns here! I love the stripes with the floral; and those tights just make everything POP so nicely!!
Those tights are amazing - you can totally pull them off! I love both outfits infact :) although boo! at being called a banana!
I most definitely had a belt made out of the same ribbon that's on your necklace. And then I turned it into a purse strap... I love your "banana legs" outfit! Especially the night-time version!
Ce qui m'inspire
What a great look! I happen to love your banana legs, jajajaja just kidding! I love how these tights pop against this outfit! good job!
Oooh oooh: a passport! What are you gonna do with it? He he.
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