Rah rah ah ah ah : Roma roma ma : Gaga oh la la : DANCE YOU MOFOS
"Welcome to the Monster Ball."
Like Lady Gaga, I seem to have suffered from a sudden illness, preventing me from blogging. And by sudden illness-- well in my defense, I was before-- but then I was stricken with extreme lethargy, followed by time constraints and excuses. So like Gaga, I shall apologize (sorry!), move on, and rah-rah-roll on with the show. :)

Last time I had Egyptian cat eyes with heart lips; this time I decided to go with "kewpie doll gone bad romance" (haw haw get it)
Boots- TJMaxx : Tights- magic? : Swimsuit- I want to say JCPenney : Turtleneck- American Apparel : Lace tank- Mom : Belt- secondhand : Scarf- Urban Outfitters : Mask- Walgreen's : Various necklaces- all over the place

Fun fact: My fellow Gaga co-worker and I attended our mandatory call-out dressed like this before we ducked out early to attend the show. We may or may not have a reputation to live up to now.
Since the temperature returned to its proper freezing degrees in the 20s, I couldn't very well imitate the no-pants exposure style that Gaga usually wears. But I was determined to go pantless for the day-- solution? Layer like crazy-like-Jack-Nicholson-The-Shining-crazy. Guess how many layers I wore. No, seriously, I want people to guess! I'm wearing three layers of tights on the bottom if that gives you an idea. Just imagine how many I was sporting on top. ;)
When my co-workers saw this outfit, they gave their stamp of approval, saying I looked like "an Asian Lady Gaga." I got some "uh... uhm, wow"s, most likely for the make-up. My mom, upon seeing what I wore for the first time after the show, literally howled in terror. I'm going to consider this a success.
Of course, again like last time, I must share a couple of monster outfits with y'all.

These are beautiful, beautiful men; I met them last time, when they weren't so dressed up. Gaga Redux gave them a chance to go ALL out.

The funny thing about this picture is that after it was taken, I was chattering excitedly "AREN'T YOU PUMPED?!" to which they stonily replied "Oh my God, YES." Turns out that their face paint makeup effectively gave them Smurf Botox, disabling them from showing how truly pumped they were (and they were!).

As Christian Siriano says, they were a "hot tranny mess fierce" ... for lack of a better term.
After Semi Precious Weapons howled and blasphemied their way to our hearts (nothing is more endearing than having the lead singer strip in the middle of the stage during a song), we were pumped for Gaga. Only we had to wait... nearly an hour?? I was actually really worried that Gaga would fall ill on us again. A lot of pictures and texts were made during this waiting period.
Until. Finally.
Until. Finally.

These are the few photos that you can actually see anything; not only did I get a good view of Gaga, I saw all the camera and phone products in the room.

There were these three giant screens that were set up like a diorama; instead of a science project spewing fake lava, Gaga diorama featured regurgitating blue liquid.
Near the beginning, Lady Gaga apologized for canceling. She told us that when she had asked earlier how many people returned their tickets, the answer was:

Would it be too cliche to say that the crowd went wild?

I could go on and on and talk your ear off about how ear-splitting it was for me. It was tangible ecstasy; I loved how I was so immersed in the act that I felt like I was trapped in this strange, surreal world that wouldn't be too far from an arthouse concoction (wow, I'm so weird). Which I guess isn't too far from the truth. I called Michelle at various points of the show to share the experience with her-- because who else to share with but my fellow gaga for Gaga friend?! (we both wished she was there with me)
Sad thing is, my camera totally bailed on me near the end. I tried everything I could to revive it, but to no avail... (noooo) So I didn't get any great "Bad Romance" grande finale pictures. But you bet your bottom dollar that I rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ed with everyone else!
In short, I'll say what I sent in a text to my friend Lizzie the day after: "So my ears are still ringing, but I thought to myself that last night it's like I saw God and God said I was sexy."

Long live Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta aka Lady Gaga aka Mama Gaga aka Lady Gay Gay aka Best Thing Ever
What's Lovely for January 26, 2010: I think that goes without saying.
What's Lovely for January 27, 2010: Watching videos of a performance you recently saw, and re-remembering the crazylove.
What's Lovely for January 28, 2010: This is lame, but-- sharing the experience with you all, I hope no one's too annoyed with me by now.
*Note: Not up to stellar standards as they be, these photos were all taken by me. If you are to use them, please link back to this site and give me credit, thank you.
Ha! Terrifying and awesome and hot. Meaning you basically nailed the Gaga style. ;)
You really went all out for the show! Awesome!
xoxo Jolie
Some of your shots turned out reeeally well! STILL MEGA JEALOUS.
<3 yoooou.
I bet you had so much fun! I love your outfit!! You look great!
I love it! The make-up is so fun!
you rocked the outfit girl! so unique!
That's AWESOME!!!! Love the makeup!
haha i'm glad you enjoyed the pure silliness! i love all your gaga photos.. your outfit is so great. i love the bad romance hands! no matter where i am, if bad romance comes on my hands just have to do it!
I'm so glad it lived up to your expectations after your long long wait. The concert setup looks incredible. And my god, the quote about "And god said I was sexy" had me laughing soooo hard.
She looks like an INSANE performer - I'm so jealous you got to see her live! And yes haha I see the "Asian GaGa" here. Hoep you're feeling better!
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