Bienvenue, messieurs et mesdames.

Will not sit down awhile, listen to The Sparrow and join the circus with us?

The story behind all this: I was home alone, feeling practically stranded, when a fit of "sure, why the hell not" seized me. It should be evident by now that these flights of fancy come often enough for me to prance around and make a dandy fool out of myself. To make matters better, I take proof of me making a fool of myself and then share it for all the world to see. True dedication right there.
The idea behind this originally was about some sort of lost clown girl who fell off the caravan and is trying to make her living in the real world when all she knows is how to be a clown. It's a sci-fi romantic comedy.
I can't believe that I took these photos one listless day in May. Today it's August. I'd like to assure you that I've done many other things besides dress up as a wannabe clown between then and now. I swear on my cheap-ass red Halloween wig.

Dress- Calvin Klein (secondhand) :: Gloves- Forever21 :: Bowler- Target :: Pearls- gift + Thailand :: Socks that I can't flippin' find now- TJMaxx :: Shoes- Kelsi Dagger :: Lipstick- Revlon's Black Cherry :: Delusion- my imagination + boredom
I really love this. When I saw the first graphic, I thought,'hmm that looks a lot like charlene.' yeps, girl, you look like a clown. a pretty clown, of course.
♥ laurathe blog of worldly delights
<3 <3 <3
Ha. Charlene is a lost clown. That explains things.
I don't like carnies. They smell like cabbage.
Sarcasm aside, second photo = gorgeous.
love this post!
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